Female lion statue holding "pup" as the protector of those inside.
60" Oriental Male Lion Statue holding a sphere.
Detail of "pup" under female lion statue's paw.
Rear view of male lion.
Examples of My Sculptures & Work in Stone
Side of marble tree stump. Vine leaves wrapping around the stump givie visual interest as well as being a traditional symbol of life.
Rose & Book Resting on Top of marble tree stump. Symbols of life & love. This side has a cross made of branches bound with rope.
Marble tree stump parchment scroll on the front. A traditional element ready for inscription.
Marble Tree Stump Limb Detail. Annular rings, bark, checks & splits are all rendered realistically.
Marble Tree Stump Leaf Detail
Marble Tree Stump Fern Detail winding up & across part of the scroll.
"Tree Stump" Monument
Carved in Italian Carara Marble
All images © Peter Chiappori 2011-22

Note to Phone & Tablet users: Expand or click on photos to see super detail
Granite Etching of an American Eskimo Dog
Granite etching of an eagle. Etching granite is the reverse of a pencil drawing... shadows have the least amount of surface removed.
Granite etching of a Sharp Shinned Hawk
Granite Etching of the goddess Mut with hieratic inscription "Mut, Lady of Heaven, Wife of Amun King of the gods."
Granite Etching of Red-Headed Warbler. This rare visitor to the USA is effectively rendered using layered lines.
Granite Etching of Moray eel. The texure of rough spotted skin is achieved via tiny points & lines.
Granite Etching of Rose. This piece uses traditional pointilism to define all the countours & shadows. A typical motif for monuments.
Granite Etching of a Horse. All my etchings are done by hand with a diamond point. I feel it provides superior detail up-close as opposed to laser etching machines.
Examples of Granite Etching ~ NOTE: All of these are done by hand using a diamond point engraving tool identical to monument makers
Granite Angel Sketch shown with outline of rough slab.
Sekhmet Statue Concept Sketch Head Profile
Dimensioned working plans for a marble oriental-themed lion.
Head detail concept sketch of a marble oriental-themed lion.
Marble Tree Stump concept drawing used for the marble monument displayed above.
Limestone open book monument on "podium" with palm branches on each side. The stone is a very hard dolomitic limestone.
Limestone Book Monument - Detail of Raised Relief Carving. All the background must be removed & smoothed for this beautiful effect.
Limestone Book Monument. This is still a common motif in cemetery iconography, typically representing the life of the deceased.
Limestone Book Monument. Here the corner chamfers can be clearly seen giving the impression the book is resting on a podium.
Limestone "Book" Monument
Sculpture, Fine Art & Illustration
Roughing out shapes for the granite angel. Slowly cutting & shaping ... is that a wing?
Granite angel. I start with the face. I carve what comes to mind. No models are used for this carving. It must look beautiful or I won't continue.
Granite Angel. Forms are developed as I work the block. I'm not using a model so my imagination is free to make changes. I've left the bottom for last & use it as weight to keep the statue in place.
Granite angel. Wing & feather details will be next!
A work still in progress: 
A freeform angel being carved in Barre Vermont grey granite
Stay tuned for more pictures as I keep carving away!
~~~~~~~~~~ A note about stone carving & sculpture ~~~~~~~~~~

With the advent of modern machines and 3-dimensional computer software, it may be a wonder to some that sculptors still exist.  But there is a flaw in believing all the marvels of the mechanized world can create what the artist must do using their hands (& heads)!.  Machines don't think.  They are tools.  They lack intellect & imagination to see what lies in the human mind's eye.  While they copy remarkably well they require input from a human being to be "told" how to operate.  A sculptor may use machinery to assist in cutting & shaping but these are merely an extension of the artist's physical self.  Some might argue this point stating computer generated carvings are "just as good."  Machines can't make special cuts, delicate textues or create new ideas that only a sculptor can provide.  While machines might provide economy & speed, they overlook the beauty of the material before them & are oblivious to their own purpose.  They will never replace the creativity of the thinking human mind.

Not every monument is destined for a cemetery.  Some, such as this, fit well in a garden setting and may act as a reminder of a loved one while having great appeal as a piece of sculpture. This piece is full of natural elements that let it reside in harmony within its surroundings. It will easily last for centuries to come.
This piece is ready for an inscription or will sit nicely in your garden
Granite Boulder too large to move! Gateway Technical College, Racine, WI
Granite Boulder with new recess to receive owner's plaque, done on site. Gateway Technical College, Racine, WI
Gateway Technical College, Racine, WI, 100th Anniversary Plaque Setting Ceremony with President Bryon Albrect, Racine County Executive & Governor July 12, 2011 "Wisconsin Technical System Day"
Final Plaque installed on Granite Boulder -  Gateway Technical College, Racine, WI.
Granite boulder with new smooth surface ready for an inscription.
Granite boulder with inscription done by Bosman Monuments of Kenosha.
Carved Granite Angel
Carved Granite Angel
Bas Relief Horse Still In Progress:

Fine grained limestone is working well even with the cheek flaw (gives it some character!)
The Blank Slab With Flawed Vein.
Background Removed & outlines Defined
Working The Relief.
Stlii Some Work To Do
Concept Sketches & Working Drawings for Sculptures Shown Above
Old Statue need repair? Have it restored to new condition!
Broken pieces? Dull & lifeless? Why spend a fortune on a new statue if your old one can be repaired?
Call for an assessment & quote to bring your old sculpture back to life. From refinishing, repairs, 
adding color or detailing in gold leaf, have an expert bring it back to its original glory.
Old Statue with dull patina & broken apart
Restored Statue with new gilding & painted details
Broken piece, missing forever
New custom molded repair
Broken pieces
New Pieces with Seamless Repair!
See More Photos of this Statue
Pair of 1.5 meter high Oriental Lion Statues in Marble

I start with the face. If it's not beautiful I won't continue carving until I feel it is appropriate. No models are being used so I have the freedom to make changes along the way
Clothing, hair & other shapes are worked after I am comfortable with the form & proportions. Wings are only rough at this stage but feather details will be next!